Well, it's rolling around again, back to school. I guess not just rolling around but already here. Summer certainly didn't last long, and it brought a lot of new memories and changes into our house.
For the memories I always swear that this is going to be the year that I start that scrapbook. Actually I've been promising myself that since my kids started school, so now I have a box full of pictures, school work, awards, dance and sports pictures, medals and art projects from three kid's elementary years. That's not even thinking about the shelves in my closet that are filled with junior high memorabilia to high school diplomas. I guess it's time to break out the scrapbook sheets, fancy scissors, stickers and stamps and ink pads, make a big mess, and spend the rest of the school year worrying about another uncompleted project.
Actually the beginning of this school year has brought about some big changes in our house. Our oldest grandson, Elliot, is living with us this year. I've always lived only a few blocks, sometimes miles, from him, so taking care of him isn't anything new. However, one forgets the hard work and hours that go into getting a child through school. From getting up at six in the morning to fix breakfast and lunch to picking him up from school and fixing after school snacks and a supper that is kid friendly, the hours in my day are quickly eaten up. Elliot is in the fourth grade now, and that is the traditional year for "real" school to kick in. He's been in CMC, Content Mastery, and has not had to do the same amount of work as other children. This year we're trying to hang in with regular studies, so that is taking a lot of work and attitude adjustment. Did I mention that he is also bipolar? That's a whole other story....
Now I have to figure out how to work Punkydoo Kids into the equation. Business is finally picking up a bit, and we've gotten some of our first wholesale orders, actually getting into some boutiques. I think my next step will be finding out how to get some extra help, small manufacturing, of the Cuddle Gowns.
So, good-bye summer, I loved every minute of it with my kids.....Hello, new beginnings.
Elliot, Tate, Connor, Hannah and Collin |