Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And I Think I Am Busy!!!

I think that anyone trying to start a business of any sort always has this idea in their head that no one could possibly be as busy as they are.  I know that a lot of the time I feel there aren't enough hours in the day or days in the week to get everything accomplished, from business to family.  When night comes and I'm thinking about my day I always worry that I cut somebody short on the time that I wanted to spend with them.

My daughter, Marian, has recently started her own blog that I would like to share with you called   "Raisingcrazy's Blog.....just trying to raise my bipolar kid". If you have ever felt overwhelmed with your life or your kids, you need to read this.  For ever Marian and I both would joke that she needed to write a book, because no one would ever believe the road she has traveled since her son was born ten years ago.  She has had two more sons in that time period, and I don't want to give away anything that has happened, but I can't help but remember when my own son's doctor said, "If you would have had girls you probably would not have these problems, but you have to watch out for those boys!"

I'm proud of Marian for having the courage to share her experiences, a lot of which have been difficult, but she writes with so much love and humor that you learn a lot while you are laughing!

Coupon for Monday, May 24, 2010 thru Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our coupon for the week of Monday, May 24, 2010 thru Sunday, May 30, 2010, is for 15% off all Cuddle Blankets.  Use coupon:  cuddleblanket  when checking out.

If you would like a blanket made to match one of the cuddle gowns just send me a message or leave a comment below!

Monday, May 24, 2010


My pitt bull, Killer, died this morning.  I have to be grateful that it happened just like I hoped it would.  Sounds sort of silly to be saying that about a dog, but we've all watched her go down this whole month of May.  She had cancer.  I knew it was coming last night, and I got up to check on her several times.  She had gotten to where she would sleep on the brown couch during the night; I'm sure it was more comfortable than her usual spot in a bed under the covers.  It was like she waited for my husband John, who loved her most of all, to get up so she could tell him goodbye, and then died quietly while he was getting ready for work.  I guess it's weird to say, but the house seems that it is missing something now.

I am sitting here this  morning looking through the pictures on my computer, trying to find the right picture of Killer that would let you know what a special dog she was.  I would give anything if I had one of her when she would "smile" when she was really glad to see someone.  Of course that just scared some people.  I've had the postman and UPS stand on the sidewalk and throw packages on the porch rather than approach the door with Killer watching them.  But anyway, I know the pictures I want and I will probably spend most of this day looking for them.

She was given to my son, Jason, as a Christmas present from a girlfriend.  I remember when Jason brought her home and she was so small.  Nobody wanted to tell John that she was a pit bull, so we just told him that she was a bull dog.  Personally, I don't think he believed us even then, but he loved her from that night on.  She has been his best friend all these years, and I know that he will miss her more than the rest of us. 

Killer was here to meet both of my son-in-laws when they came for the first time.  It was sort of a family joke that how Killer reacted to a boyfriend determined whether they could stay or go, so a lot rode on Killer's liking them or not. Some people she loved from that first greeting, and others were tolerated because they simply wouldn't go away.

People began to ask me if I was going to get rid of Killer when the grandchildren started coming.  I had never considered it, but I spent a lot of time watching carefully to see if Killer would be jealous.  Needless to say it was never a problem.  I can still see Killer when we brought the first one, Elliot, in and sat him down in his baby seat.  She looked over every inch of him, or maybe I should say licked, and from that moment on all seven babies were greeted in the same fashion.  I always knew if it was one of the kids at the front door because Killer would never bark, just wag her tail and wait for me to open the door.

Killer has been a part of our family through marriages, births, some sickness, but mostly for some of the happiest years of our lives, and she will be greatly missed.

These are not my favorite pictures of Killer, and now after several hours of looking I realize that they are not on my computer.  Those were taken back before the days that I had a digital camera.  Makes me realize how quickly the years go by, and that I have enjoyed every one of them.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Coupon for Monday, May 17, 2010 thru Sunday May 23, 2010

Our weekly coupon for May 17 - 23, 2010 is free shipping on any order.  Simply add coupon code:  freeship

Monday, May 10, 2010

COUPON FOR MAY 10, 2010 THRU MAY 16, 2010

It's time to start back with the weekly coupons, and since I am going to be adding a lot of our new lines of Cuddle Gowns, the coupon is going to be 10% off all Cuddle Gowns.  Use coupon code: cuddle when checking out.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Why Am I Doing This??

Why am I doing this? Right now I ask myself that every time I sit down and try to think of ways to get people interested in our line of clothes and our store. I tweet, I friend, I like, I'm trying to blog, I read every helpful hint I come across, but it's hard to do in the beginning when you don't get a lot of response. I'm not whining (maybe a little), because I know that gaining members and sales is a long slow process, but it's one that I am willing to do.

I want to share what Elizabeth and I do to work toward our goals, the people we meet along the way, some special projects and maybe help a few people wanting to do the same thing. Writing is definitely not my forte, but I am going to give it my best attempt.

We've been in business for a little over a year now, and we are determined to make this work. I believe in the concept of Punkydoo Kids, the line of clothes and our beliefs and ethics that we put into our work every day. One of the best things we do are our infant gowns and blankets. They give us such joy to create, plus a great feeling of responsibility, because we get to be a part of a new family's beginning, and we sincerely hope that they can feel the love and thought that goes into each cuddle blanket and gown.

I greatly appreciate every person that looks at our store or reads this blog, and would love to have any comments you care to leave. If you have any ideas or questions please let us know.

Copyright 2009 Punkydoo Kids. All rights reserved.
Website Design by Red Peach Designs